Thursday, July 5, 2012

Whom do you serve?

I can think of numerous occasions in the Bible where a person had to decide about whether to please God or man. Ultimately, that is the crux of essentially every issue, but there are some times that it is more obvious than others.

I've been contemplating over the recent week or two the importance of choosing God over man. Our God is a jealous God. He demands, yep - strong word but it's true - He demands our allegiance, our attention, our loyalty, our all.

I recently became aware of a person who is not pleased with a decision Derin and I have made. The details aren't important, and while it shocked me and hurt a little, it was fairly easy for me to shrug and though disappointed, conclude that since I'm not seeking that person's approval, this news was not all that important to me. That's easy (or at least *easier*) to do when the person is not high on our list of those we need approval from, but what about those that are. Consider for a moment the people that you go to for advice, the ones that you long to have approve of you, your spouse, your decisions, your dreams... when it comes to those people on your list... it is much more difficult to choose to serve God instead of those men and women of importance. Is God really your everything? Do you long to serve God more than you long for "____'s" approval?

"Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15


  1. It is a hard lesson to learn and sometimes needs to be learned all over again in each situation but it is freeing when you realize that it is God and only God who's approval you want and need. Great blog. Don't give up.

  2. Came looking for an update and to catch up on the messages I missed. The more you post the more you have followers. Looking forward to your next post.


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