Thursday, June 23, 2022

I'm Your Pastor's Wife

I cried with you with your cancer diagnosis.

I helped you decorate for your son's wedding.

I brought a meal to you when you became a mom. 

I rearranged our schedules to meet with you and your husband when your marriage was in trouble. 

I prioritized your family over mine countless times over as my husband served your family. 

I prayed and cried as my husband went with you to pray as your mother passed into eternity. 

I held your hand while your rape kit was performed.

I wrote you thank you cards for the ways you serve the church family. 

I listened to your frustrations and gave encouragement when my own heart was broken. 

I counseled you on how to handle the challenges of mom life. 

I cried on your kitchen floor with you when your grandbaby was taken too soon. 

I sat with my husband for hours of your premarital counseling.

I prayed for you. 

I cried with you. 

I loved you in every way I knew how. 

Who am I?

I am your pastor's wife. 

I don't think you joined a gang when you left our church family, but I can't pretend it didn't crush my soul either. 

Did I not sacrifice enough?

Did I not make you feel special enough?

Did I not make you feel loved enough? 

Was it me? 

Was I in my own head the last Sunday you came and miss talking to you?

It will always feel like a divorce when a family leaves our church my husband pastors. 

It will always cause me to cry.

I love you. I miss you. 

But I'm not allowed to say that.

So I'll politely smile when I see you at the store and ask how your family is doing. I'll genuinely tell you it's good to see you. I'll try to hide the scab on my heart. 

I was your pastor's wife, but I'll always wish I was your friend.